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your support matters

The Elk River Trail Foundation is a non-profit organization whose mission is to preserve, protect, and enhance the Elk River rail and water trails for public recreation, community health and well-being, conservation, ecology, education development, and cultural enrichment. The first year of existence had been challenging in the face of a pandemic that stood our world on its head. Yet, as the year progressed, we were collectively amazed about how important the outdoors became to people as an escape from the unnatural stresses of living and working at home and in high-stress environments. We were thrilled to see the parking lots regularly filled with hikers and bikers and kayakers and runners and equestrians. Seeing the importance of the trails to people gave us added incentive to keep moving forward.

Forest Trees

donation levels

Please renew your membership or join as a new member at one of the following levels:









Trail Caretaker

Railway Adventurer

Elk River Pioneer

Railroad Conductor

River Captain

Chief Engineer

Trail Guardian

Elk River Trailblazer

All levels receive an Elk River Trail Foundation Decal. In addition, levels $300 and above will receive recognition on our social media platforms.

Show your support for the continued success of the Elk River trails:

Elk River Trail Foundation

Attn: Matt Holbert, Treasurer

177 Dewey Drive, Elkview, WV 25045

  • Click the Donate button below

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Let’s Work Together

Any and all support is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for being a part of our community and our success story!

Thanks for submitting! We'll be in touch!

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